Sholto Macpherson Sholto Macpherson

What is the best way to onboard clients in accounting?

Every firm needs to onboard clients, and they all do it in their own special way. It turns out there is a huge opportunity to reduce the time it takes to onboard clients and to reduce the errors in the process.

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Inbal Rodnay Inbal Rodnay

Here’s My GenAI Wishlist for Xero  

Dear Xero, Christmas/Hanukah/summer solstice is coming up really fast. I look over at my friends in America playing with their shiny AI assistant, Intuit Assist, and wish that my Xero file had some of that generative AI magic too.

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Sholto Macpherson Sholto Macpherson

All your conversation are belong to us

You know how, at an important meeting, everyone immediately opens their laptop and starts taking notes? The same notes, of the same conversation, that they are supposed to be participating in?

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