What is the best way to onboard clients in accounting?

Every firm needs to onboard clients, and they all do it in their own special way. It turns out there is a huge opportunity to reduce the time it takes to onboard clients and to reduce the errors in the process. The latter is just as important as efficiency – you don’t want to leave clients with a bad taste in their mouths straight after signing up with you.

In the next Agents of Change workshop we look at the best options for firms. There are a handful of dedicated, relatively new onboarding apps; there are data integrators that try to build a single client view; some practice management suites have useful features for streamlining onboarding; and firms build their own. (Don’t worry, we’ll show you how.)

We also look to the future – and where some industry leaders think this is going. In the next Agents of Change we will show you all your options so you don’t need to do the research yourself. See you there.


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